Version 6.0
OS Ubuntu 20.04
OpenVPN Access Server package comprises a set of installation and configuration tools that simplify the deployment of a VPN remote access solution. As it is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software project, the package makes the deployed VPN compatible with OpenVPN client software, across multiple platforms and devices. While the open-source solution requires a high degree of knowledge regarding all the configuration options possible with the software, the OpenVPN Access Server offers a web-based graphical interface that is easy-to-use. It also comes with a built-in set of installer file for OpenVPN Connect Client, the client software used to connect Windows and Macs to an OpenVPN Access Server, and these come preconfigured for use immediately after installation.
Packages Included
Package | Version | License |
OpenVPN | 2.10.1 | Custom |
wget | 1.20.3 | GPL |
gnupg | 2.2.19 | GPL |
Getting Started
Deployment steps
Open the address of your server in a web browser, e,g., https://{IP Address of your instance}/admin.
Ignore any SSL certificate warnings and proceed further.
Authenticate with username: openvpn and the password.
Password is stored in the file /root/.idrive_password.
You can now start using the OpenVPN server.
Refer the starter's documentation.
Note: When the OpenVPN Access Server is installed without a license key it allows only 2 simultaneous VPN connections. There is no time limit or functionality limit on this mode.