MultiCraft is a database-driven web interface for Minecraft servers MultiCraft is a web-based control panel that allows you to manage Minecraft servers. It provides a user-friendly interface to manage various aspects of your Minecraft server, such as installing and updating Minecraft versions, creating and managing game worlds, configuring server settings, and managing plugins.
This article will show you how to install MultiCraft on CentOS 7.
- A non-root user with
Install MySQL
On the CentOS 7 server, MySQL is substituted by MariaDB. MariaDB uses the same commands and database queries with almost no difference from MySQL.
- Update the software repository.
# sudo yum -y update
- To install MariaDB, run the following command.
# sudo yum -y install mariadb-server
- Next, enable and start the database server.
# sudo systemctl start mariadb
# sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service
Install Apache
- Run the below command on the terminal to install Apache.
# sudo yum -y install httpd
- Once the installation is complete, start the Apache server with the below command.
# sudo systemctl start httpd
# sudo systemctl enable httpd
Install PHP
Note: By default, CentOS 7 officially have a PHP 5.4 package that has reached the end of its life. for the latest version of PHP on the CentOS 7 System follow the below commands.
Install and enable EPEL and Remi repository on CentOS 7 system.
# sudo yum -y install # sudo yum -y install
Next, install yum-utils.
# sudo yum -y install yum-utils
Configure and enable the latest versions of PHP.
# yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72
Run the below command on the terminal to install PHP and its dependencies.
# yum -y install php php-mysql php-common php-gd php-mbstring php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-bcmath php-mysql php-pdo java-1.8.0-openjdk
Restart the Apache web server to enable the PHP module.
# sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
Install MultiCraft
- Install "wget" package using the yum command.
# sudo yum -y install wget
Download the MultiCraft installer.
# wget -O multicraft.tar.gz
Extract the installer using tar.
tar xvzf multicraft.tar.gz
Move to the
directory.# cd multicraft/
Execute the
script using the following command.# ./
A script that prompts you to configure several options runs. If you’ve purchased a license for Multicraft, enter it when prompted. If you’re unsure of which options to choose, you can pressenter
to select the default option. -
Give the permissions to frontend website files.
# chown -R apache.apache /var/www/html
Restart the Apache service.
# systemctl restart httpd
Open your browser and navigate to
, replace207.199.149.234
with your IP addressClick on the
Start Installation
button then you will be prompted to initialize your panel and server databases to install multicraft onto your server.